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Evaluation of Preliminary Task

 In the preliminary task we used a camcorder, my Sony camera and a drone to film on. We did some handheld shots as well as using a tripod. For the editing I used premiere pro the 2015 version. Using a drone was good because we were able to get establishing and tracking shots that we couldn't get on a normal camera but the footage isn't as good quality. Premiere pro is a really good editing software which I downloaded on my own computer to edit the footage at home. I also downloaded a few light leaks and other software extras which means I can do more with the footage.

I've learnt that getting your footage to match the peaks and pace of the song is actually really hard and we should have planned the shots so that they were more deliberate rather than just seeing what looked good at the location. Looking back we definitely should have spent longer organising and we should have arrange our filming days further in advance; this is because it was really hard to get actors at short notice.

I think the group worked well together, we all stuck to our roles and were all there when we filmed. I did all the editing, Abbey did the CD cover and I think we split to blog posts pretty evenly. We could have done with someone in the group to have focused more on organisation and actors.
Our audience feedback generally agreed that it was a good song choice and the shots were different and interesting but it was very hard to follow the story and understand what's going on.
For the music video I think it will be important to have more locations and there's a more emotional connection with the character we can do this by using more deliberate camera angles. Also there needs to be a lot more planning and everything needs to be sorted in advance rather than at the last minute.

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Evaluation Question 3

What have you learnt from your audience feedback?