I haven't been focused on choosing a song at the moment, for the video the narrative is the most important so I've been spending my time developing my characters and storyline and I want the song to reinforce the message of the video not the other way around. However I do have a few songs in mind that fit with the narrative.
This song already has a strong narrative in the lyrics and because of this I would have to change my idea slightly so it just focused on the ballerina. This song is slower than I initially wanted but it is really emotional which is what I like about it.
This song really caught my attention, it is very emotional but can be interpreted differently. The lyrics find me could relate to the characters expressing themselves through their sport so it definitely links to the story. This song isn't as slow as ballerina but has a good mix which will be great for sequences of short shots.
This was my original song choice and my initial ideas all came from hearing this. This type of video, one that tells an emotional story has always captivated me and when i decided to produce a music video a knew this is what i wanted to make. One scene i particularly like in this video is when all the characters look at their reflection and all of them become connected even though they live completely different lives.
I've chosen to use Powerless by Rudimental as the song for my music video. This has been one of my potential choices from when I first changed my idea. I wasn't really sure whether it would fit or not but after I put it with my footage to see how they went together, I thought they fitted really well. I've divided the song into sections of the choruses and verses so that I can match my footage accordingly. The music video to this already contains a strong narrative as do many of Rudimental's videos.