My other main character is a boxer around the same age, she is similar to the ballerina in that boxing is her escape. She is in similar circumstances as she feels the need to prove herself through doing well in her sport. With a very important match coming up she is fighting as the underdog for her first tittle. Her parents not being over pleased with her constant training and addiction to boxing, she believes winning this match will prove it's worthwhile.
I've chosen to use Powerless by Rudimental as the song for my music video. This has been one of my potential choices from when I first changed my idea. I wasn't really sure whether it would fit or not but after I put it with my footage to see how they went together, I thought they fitted really well. I've divided the song into sections of the choruses and verses so that I can match my footage accordingly. The music video to this already contains a strong narrative as do many of Rudimental's videos.