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Song Choice (Preliminary Task)

To give us a starting point we were given a list of seven songs which we had to narrow down to three and then pick a final song from. On the right is our final three choices: Of monsters and men, Miley Cyrus and Men without hats. We chose party in the USA because it is upbeat and would have been easy to come up with an idea for as it doesn't have a strong of a narrative so we would have probably shown a band and singer. Little talks was more because of the opposite as its narrative is key to the song, which we could use to create a story from, though we felt this could get complicated. The safety dance was in our top 3 because it has a quick tempo and an understandable narrative.
The two stimuli we thought we could link to these songs were carrots can help you see in the dark, this was because we felt it linked to childhood and imagination or myths. The day at the seaside we thought would fit as a location and starting point for party in the USA.

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