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Roles within our group (Preliminary Task)

Within my group (Jasper, Abbey and I) we will all be doing slightly different roles to spread out the workload and work to all of our strengths.

Filming - All three of use will be there for the filming and help to film and direct the whole video.
Editing - I will do the majority of the editing as I'm the best at it and will do this role most effectively, however, we will all have input into how it is edited.
CD Cover - Jasper and Abbey will create the CD cover whilst I am in the editing process. This is because Abbey have spent many years doing art at school and have experience creating and designing. Jasper also has many ideas for the CD cover and considers himself to be creative and computer-savvy.
Blog Posts - All three of us will contribute to the blog posts, however, when all the footage has been captured Jasper and Abbey will do most of the posts to allow me to focus on the editing.
Casting - All three of us will be involved in casting to ensure we all agree we have the best suited people to feature in our video.

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