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Target Audience

The target audience for my product is young adults/teenagers, this is because the genre I'm looking at is typically aimed at this audience so I think it would be sensible to stay with the same audience. Music videos are mostly viewed on sites like you tube which is mainly used by a young audience.

Having a main character of this age means the audience will find it easier to relate and engage with the video and being set in the modern time means the video is in a comfortable setting for the viewer. The video is suppose to engage the audience by causing an emotional response empathised by the music.   

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Existing Student Music Video

This video features numerous different editing skills and camera shots throughout the video, the wide range is something I want to echo in my video, however I found the lack of obvious narrative frustrating as it lacked meaning. By following the one character through the video is easily to follow through the simplistic idea which was executed well through the smooth editing skills.


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Evaluation Question 3

What have you learnt from your audience feedback?