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Evaluation Question 3 (Preliminary Task)

What Have You Learnt From Your Audience Feedback?
We received audience feedback from multiple students who we played or music video to. 
The main thing we received in terms of feedback was that once the main character had transported to the different planet there wasn't much clear direction in terms of what was happening. Another big piece of feedback we received was that certain shots lasted too long.
From the audience feedback me and my group have learnt that my shots should be much more varied to ensure that shots aren't to long and don't get boring for the audience. We would also need to include more camera techniques, such as whip pans, to make it more interesting. Also we would need to make sure there was more of a clear narrative to the video to ensure the audience didn't get confused. This would give the video more direction and story. We could do this by re filming the second half of the video and giving clear indications to the audience as to what is happening rather than just jumbled clips of people running around. We could also potentially try to link the music video to the lyrics of the song more as some people couldn't see the link between the lyrics and the video even though we did try to base the music video around a couple of key lyrics from the song

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Evaluation Question 3

What have you learnt from your audience feedback?