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Showing posts from August, 2016

Evaluation Question 4 (preliminary Task)

We used multiple different media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluating stage. Firstly in the research stage we used mainly laptops/computers and the internet (specifically youtube and google images). We used this to firstly listen to the son and learn the lyrics, this was to try and spark an idea that could link to the song and its lyrics. We also used youtube to watch various other music videos from the same genre as the dafter dance so that we got a realistic idea of what real media products similar to ours looked like. We also used the internet to research possible areas in Norwich that we could use to create our media product. For the planning stage we all used the internet and laptops to finalise research our locations. We also used phones to contact our actors and arrange filming times. We also used cameras to take photos of our final locations once we had been to see them. In the construction stage we used video cameras to film our actual film

Evaluation Question 3 (Preliminary Task)

What Have You Learnt From Your Audience Feedback? We received audience feedback from multiple students who we played or music video to.  The main thing we received in terms of feedback was that once the main character had transported to the different planet there wasn't much clear direction in terms of what was happening. Another big piece of feedback we received was that certain shots lasted too long. From the audience feedback me and my group have learnt that my shots should be much more varied to ensure that shots aren't to long and don't get boring for the audience. We would also need to include more camera techniques, such as whip pans, to make it more interesting. Also we would need to make sure there was more of a clear narrative to the video to ensure the audience didn't get confused. This would give the video more direction and story. We could do this by re filming the second half of the video and giving clear indications to the audience as to what is hap

Evaluation Question 2 (Preliminart Task)

How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary text (CD cover)? We feel that our CD cover links very well to our video as it shares the same name as our song for the music video. Not only this, but we chose to use a picture of our actor in costume with the tent used in the music video. This obviously directly links the two products to each other. We also chose to use text that was not necessarily formal-looking; more child-like and fun. This is quite an effective link as we imagine that the whole album would follow suit with the sound of The Safety Dance - this sound being upbeat and lighthearted. Therefore, it makes sense that the album cover be just as fun and bright. We matched the text colour to the colours used frequently in the video and the costume; for example, red. This also went some way to effectively linking the two products. Having said this, in retrospect, it may be more effective to create a more subtle link between the final product and the alb

Evaluation Question 1 (Preliminary Task)

In what ways does your media product use develop or challenge the forms and conventions of real media products? In most real media products a child is presented as vulnerable, naïve and ignorant to the real world; a classic example would be Kevin from Home Alone. Our music video really takes advantage of and enhances this view. We use a lot of close ups to show the emotions on his face whether he's confused or scared. Also the fact that his emotions are really exaggerated and clear to see means that the audience is able to connect with the character more than others. For the first minute or so the shots are relatively close up making the viewer feel as if they are part of this characters journey, this is also done with the video transitions when there is a change of location. All these techniques are to present the child as innocent and free. Another convention we used was the representation of a child's imagination which is normally portrayed as illogical and sometimes weird

The Safety Dance - Final Cut (Preliminary Task)